Posted on Mar 21, 2018 in EdTerra's Travel Nerds
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On the International Day of Forests, we should acknowledge and show our gratitude towards forests, a major component of Mother Nature. Whenever our students go camping, the principles of LNT or ‘Leave No Trace ’, followed by travellers the world over, are highly prioritised. It helps to ensure minimum impact of our travel on our natural surroundings. When it comes to camping, forests are ideal as they offer tremendous learning opportunities, especially when it comes to learning about the importance of forests! From a young age, it is important to understand how dependent we are on nature, to fulfil our basic needs. This realisation is necessary as it guides our actions towards our surroundings; if we take care of our natural surroundings and forests, we create a healthier environment for ourselves in the long run.
Here are seven principles of Leave No Trace or LNT that we follow at our campsites, to minimize our impact on the environment:
This principle will help you to prepare for unknown situations where you can become fatigued or fearful and you may be forced to make poor choices. Try to possess knowledge about the regulations and special concerns of the area that you are planning to visit through the internet, books or friends. Schedule your trip keeping in mind extreme conditions such as extreme weather, hazards and emergencies. Prepare accordingly for any such eventuality, as camping can throw up surprises. Always repackage food to minimize waste around surroundings.
As a young explorer, it is essential for you to set up camp on ideal durable surfaces like established trails and campsites, rock, gravel or dry grass. Concentrate using existing trails and campsites. It will make your task easy. Ensure you set up camp close to a water source. Focus your activities in an area where vegetation is absent.
This principle applies to everything, from litter to rinsing water. It is often observed that campers knowingly or unknowingly create litter in the area they are camping in, which later affects the vegetation and beauty of the area. Follow the principle of “Pack it in, Pack it out” to minimize waste. Always leave your surroundings in the same untouched condition as you found it in. Find a way to use biodegradable items to lessen the effect you may cause to your surroundings.
Do not disturb any element of your surroundings. Only take pictures and avoid touching things, leaving them in their natural condition. Do not carve tree parks, break leaves, flowers, twigs or branches. Treat the forest with respect.
We know that no camping can be completed without a campfire. It is an important timeless ritual that can also be transformed into destructive one if not handled properly. Use the help of an expert to understand how to handle fire properly. Burn all wood to ash. Make sure the fire is completely put out and cold before you leave.
Observe wildlife from a distance and never approach, feed and follow them. Both you and the wildlife will enjoy encounters more if you master the zoom lens on your camera and pack along a pair of binoculars.
Follow the golden rule – “Treat others the way you want to be treated”.
This will allow you to enjoy the sounds of the forest and concentrate on your natural surroundings better.
Every footstep that we take impacts our environment in ways that we can’t possibly imagine. Follow the LNT principles and take a small step towards improving the environment.
Encourage your friends to follow LNT for a mutually enjoyable experience for the forest and you!
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