Monthly Archives: June 2024

Hiroshima: Reflections on War

War. Devastation. Desolation. Isolation. Futile by all means, yet the source of the world’s greatest treasure, it’s history so vast, its magnanimity illusionary. Its secrets and lies luring even the weakest of intellect. War. A notion rife throughout the centuries, brooding, bruising, controlling, contorting, confusing. What do they tell the soldiers, willing to give their […]

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Our Adventurous Days at Koti Camp

We visited Koti in Himachal Pradesh for a camping trip. Koti camp was the most pleasant and thrilling experience for our team. The camp transformed us as we were able to gain new skills and improve our capabilities. We got to do lots of adventurous activities at the camp. We did not even realise when […]

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Benefits of Adventure Camps

In the modern world, where screens and gadgets often take up most of our time, it’s important to develop essential life skills that technology can’t teach us. Let’s dive into how adventure camps in the hills can help us build these crucial skills while having an awesome time. At camp, we get to learn some […]

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Lessons from our Adventure in the Mountains

Imagine that you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by majestic mountains, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with a touch of fear. That’s the beauty of stepping outside your comfort zone. Let’s dive into some of the lessons we learnt from our experience at Neen adventure camp. Embracing uncertainty teaches us flexibility […]

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The Highlight from our Chail Adventure Camp

We had many great experiences during our adventure camp at Chail. On the second day of our adventure camp, we were thrilled to do the Maggi noodles making activity with our friends. Although we had a variety of adventurous activities to do during the camp, this stood out because it involved trekking and then finding […]

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Is Singapore the best country to live in Asia?

Is Singapore really the best country to live in Asia? Of course, it is. It was a great experience immersing ourselves in the vibrant culture and attractions the city-state has to offer. Singapore is perfect for people from all age groups. We found ourselves immediately captivated by the city-state’s unique charm. From the bustling streets […]

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Lessons from a Himalayan Adventure: Living Outside Your Comfort Zone

Embarking on an Himalayan adventure can be a profound and transformative experience. All adventures here are unique, offering learnings and memories that cannot be found anywhere else. This was our experience at our adventure camp in Viraatkhai (Chakrata). We all have had Maggi in our lives before. But at the camp, we got the opportunity […]

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Our Exciting Visit to the Statue of Liberty

We went on an amazing trip to see the Statue of Liberty, and we are excited to share what we learnt. The Statue of Liberty was unveiled in 1886 at Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Since then, Lady Liberty has welcomed millions of immigrants to America. We also got to see the stunning Manhattan […]

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Wilderness Heaven: A Campsite Retreat

We, the students of Aravali International School, want to share our experience about the fabulous Koti Adventure Camp. In the wilderness of the Himalayas, our comfort zones were dissolved and we realised that the essence of life lies in embracing the unfamiliar. Here, simplicity rules, teaching invaluable lessons in adaptability. Trekking and cooking in the […]

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Encounter with Lady Liberty: Our Journey to the U.S. East Coast

Our journey to the U.S. East Coast was filled with excitement and learning, but the highlight was our encounter with Lady Liberty. As we approached Liberty Island, we were amazed as the majestic Statue of Liberty emerged. Standing tall, Lady Liberty embodies the spirit of the United States. She was gifted to the United States […]

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